Monday, February 18, 2019

Introduction to My Blog

As a teenager, there are many aspects of life that are extremely stressful. I'm a college student and even though I'm not suffering, I'm still struggling. Image result for struggle gif

Sometimes I feel like I'm lifting the world on my shoulders with others pushing down harder and harder.
This is my place of serenity. I'm willing to show you my more vulnerable side and I'm hoping that you do the same. There's a reason that you're here, right?
I will be using this blog to help promote fitness, happiness, and spirituality.
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I have a couple of ground rules for this blog if you decide to keep reading:

1.) NO negativity
2.) Do NOT judge anyone
3.) Show RESPECT towards everyone
4.) Simple manners are appreciated

If you cannot follow these rules, I would politely ask you to please stop reading  my blog.

However, if you decide to stay, grab a cup of tea and get ready to go on a journey of bettering ourselves together.

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Until next time :)

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